FRENCH Word Walls + Backgrounds + Slides (Templates & Tutorials)
Powerpoint and picture files with French-specific backgrounds and text such as question words, function words, and high-frequency verbs, plus four tutorial videos
These slides, images, and tutorials will help you support students’ exposure to and comprehension of French while enjoying a visual environment of places where French is used—whether you’re teaching online, face to face, or in a hybrid situation.
The materials are thoughtfully designed so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel if you transition between teaching online and in person, or you have to do both at the same time. Slides and images are ready to use as-is, but also easily customizable for your purposes, as described in the tutorials.
Some screenshots of the slide decks & tutorials
Four explanatory videos (combined runtime 56 minutes)
Two Powerpoint files
Two folders of image files
These contain every slide in the above described Powerpoint files, converted to images so that you can easily use them as virtual backgrounds. (Note: Video 4 includes a demonstration of how to convert individual slides and entire slideshows to images, so that you can also easily make your own based on the included slides.)
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Feedback on Justin's classes and training
One of the most inspiring teachers, and humans, I've had the pleasure of knowing.
Justin Slocum Bailey is the ultimate educator.
JSB is my new hero. I mean, I really enjoyed watching him work and hearing him speak. He's authentic, intelligent, sincere. The real deal.
Justin’s enthusiasm and sense of humor were amazing!
Justin should be the keynote speaker at every conference!
I truly didn’t want today to end! This is the type of professional development that teachers crave.
One of the best speakers I have seen in my entire career!!
My new mantra is "Teach like JSB is watching!"
Awesome energy!
Justin's ease with students is pure magic.
Whenever I face a pedagogical decision, however big or small, I ask myself, "What would Justin do?"
Holy gifted batman! Justin's command of a classroom is amazing.
I learned a mountain of wonderful strategies!
He was so engaging and so entertaining. SUCH a great speaker and so inspirational!
Justin was great. I like that he is animated, yet low-key. He inspired me to recommit to a focus on communication as the essential task in my classes.
Quería darte las gracias por la clase de hoy, en verdad fue muy divertido e inspirador. Estaré al pendiente de tu vuelta a México para volver a tomar otro taller. ¡Gracias!
Ausgezeichnet! Your energy and true caring shone through so beautifully.
Justin is an amazing presenter.
One of the greatest teachers I have ever encountered.
His enthusiasm and engagement model so well.
You treated everyone in the class like they mattered PERSONALLY to you. You looked them in the eyes, you remembered their names, you TOLD them they were interesting. You were laughing, they were laughing, and you let the mistakes be part of the fun. Their successes were yours - you were EXCITED by their success.
What I appreciated most was the specific activities I learned, combined with Justin’s willingness to engage with our questions and ideas.
An amazing experience.
Justin's presentation freed me up to do what I have long felt was best.
Your (Justin's) exemplary skills + empathy + humor. An inspiring model.
A totally accomplished and expert presenter! I will be studying this presentation in depth.
The kind of teacher/presenter I'd like to have a beer with.
I learned by experience that I really can do this!