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Video Introduction

Get the definitive Zoom course for teachers who have other things to do.

***This course has been thoroughly updated to take advantage of Zoom's many Fall 2020 updates***

  • $45.00

    Includes any future updates to the course!

    Enroll now

Teach Online with Confidence.

You probably have been or will be teaching online, either outright or in a hybrid model, or maybe you want to make simple videos that will help your students learn when they're not with you. But you probably don’t want to spend a lot of time figuring out new tools, especially when there are so many other things you’re dealing with.


The 40 videos in this self-paced course, organized into 14 bite-sized modules, will help you get the most out of Zoom without having to learn any other new tech. In 10-15 minutes a module, I cover things like

  • which classroom practices you can bring straight into Zoom and which ones to leave behind
  • how to cleverly repurpose Zoom’s built-in features for class routines and community-building
  • virtual backgrounds—not just how to make and display them, but how to use them thoughtfully to boost interaction and learning
  • how to use Zoom as a filming device to make videos that look well-edited, without actually doing any video editing
  • how to use Breakout Rooms, Polls, Annotation, Advanced Screen-sharing, and much more! (Scroll down for full table of contents)

Total runtime of all the short videos is about 180 minutes, but you can take everything in at your own pace. There is also some written information and food for thought, and I encourage you to pause the videos to try things out on your own Zoom screen.

Many teachers who are not even teaching with Zoom have reported that the course was more than worth it to them, too, partly because many of the modules apply to all kinds of teaching and partly because of what you'll learn about using Zoom to make videos.

Enroll now and enjoy the confidence you’ll gain, the learning you’ll empower your students to do, and the time you’ll be able to spend doing other things!*


*Before you enroll, consider the TeachHuman Site-Wide Pass, which gives full access not only to this course, but also to all other current and future content on the site, as well as courses and resources available only with the Pass!

If you would like to enroll multiple people at a time on behalf of your school, district, or organization, please contact Justin.

Get Low-Tech Zoom Success

  • $45.00

    Includes any future updates to the course!

    Enroll now

"Calm and Capable"

Early feedback on the course

Course Content

Go straight from start to finish or skip around at will!

  • 01

    Welcome to Low-Tech Zoom Success!

    • Welcome + Tip #1

  • 02

    Module 1: 3 Things That Are Still True—Even in Zoom

    • 3 Things That Are Still True—Even in Zoom

    • Truth #1: You Are Still a Teacher

    • Food for Thought on Truth #1

    • Truth #2: Students Are Still Human Beings

    • Food for Thought on Truth #2

    • Truth #3: Principles Still Matter

    • Food for Thought on Truth #3

  • 03

    Module 2: 3 Things to Bring Straight to Zoom and 3 Things to Leave Behind

    • 3 Things to Bring Straight to Zoom

    • Food for Thought on Things to Bring

    • 3 Things to Leave Behind

    • Food for Thought on Things to Leave

  • 04

    Module 3: 3 Level-1 Zoom Features to Repurpose

    • Note on Zoom Settings, Troubleshooting, and Menus

    • Reminder: How to Change Mouse Pointer

    • Intro to Level-1 Zoom Features

    • Cleverly repurposing the RENAME Feature

    • Food for Thought on Renaming

    • Cleverly repurposing the REACTIONS Feature

    • Food for Thought on Reactions

    • Cleverly repurposing the CHAT Feature

    • Food for Thought on Chat

    • Zoom Reactions repurposing template — Powerpoint slides

  • 05

    Module 4: 3 Level-2 Zoom Features to Level up Interaction & Learning

    • Note on Zoom Settings & Troubleshooting

    • Intro to Level-2 Features

    • Whiteboard & Annotation

    • Food for Thought on Whiteboard & Annotation

    • Zoom Polls

    • Food for Thought and Further Info on Polls

    • Using a Phone as a Document Camera

    • Food for Thought/Notes on Phone as Document Camera

    • Annotated pictures of document camera setup

  • 06

    Module 5: Zoom Settings Deep Dive

    • Note on Zoom Settings & Troubleshooting

    • Helpful Level 1 & 2 Zoom Settings

    • The Zoom Settings Website—What You Really Need to Know

  • 07

    Module 6: Using Virtual Backgrounds - DEMO

    • A note on this demo module

    • Purpose & Single-Image Backgrounds

    • Food for Thought and Tech Note on Single-Image Backgrounds

    • Multi-Image & Text Backgrounds

    • Food for Thought and Tech Note on Multi-Image and Text Backgrounds

    • Reminder about Zoom Settings & Troubleshooting

  • 08

    Module 7: Using Virtual Backgrounds - HOW-TO

    • A note on this tutorial module

    • Reminder about Zoom Settings & Troubleshooting

    • Virtual Backgrounds Tutorial A: Creating Backgrounds

    • Virtual Backgrounds Tutorial B: Once You're In Zoom

    • Tips for using (or not using!) a green screen

    • Ready-made backgrounds and slide templates available in various languages

  • 09

    Module 8: Making Videos with Zoom - DEMO

    • Making Videos with Zoom - Introduction

    • Example 1: Self-introduction video

    • Example 2: Content lesson

  • 10

    Module 9: Making Videos with Zoom - TUTORIAL

    • Tutorial 1: Self-Intro Video

    • Tutorial 2: Content Lesson Video

    • Food for Thought on Making Videos

    • Annotated pictures of document camera setup for filming

  • 11

    Module 10: Getting the Most from the Spotlight Feature

    • "What do my students actually see???"

    • Spotlighting Yourself—How to Do it and What it Does and Doesn't Do

    • Spotlighting "Yourself" on a 2nd Device + Spotlighting Multiple People

  • 12

    Module 11: Customizing the Gallery

    • How to Customize Gallery View for Yourself and Students

    • Just for Fun: Studio Effects

  • 13

    Module 12: Next-Level Screen-sharing

    • Intro to Advanced Screen-sharing

    • Sharing Multiple Windows at the Same Time

    • The Magic of Sharing a Portion of Your Screen

  • 14

    Module 13: Breakout Rooms Demystified

    • Intro to Zoom's Breakout Rooms

    • Pre-Assigning Breakout Rooms

    • Managing Breakout Rooms during Class—Everything You Need to Know

  • 15

    Module 14: The Physical Teaching Space and Beyond

    • The Physical Teaching Space

    • Congratulations & What's Next

    • End-of-Course Survey

    • Invitation to Teach Like a Human

Get Low-Tech Zoom Success

  • $45.00

    Includes any future updates to the course!

    Enroll now

What People Say

More Feedback on JSB's Classes and Training

One of the most inspiring teachers, and humans, I've had the pleasure of knowing.

Justin is one of the most talented teachers I have ever known. Highly recommend his course for anyone teaching online.

Justin, I'm loving this course so far! Thanks for helping us think outside the box! I've used Zoom for different things since last spring (like many of us!), but I'm learning so many features I didn't know were available and new ways to get the most out of it! ¡Gracias!

Justin Slocum Bailey is magical and has calmed my nerves many a time! I've taken classes of his on zoom and can attest to his skills for building community via zoom as well as teaching content on a digital platform. If you're feeling overwhelmed about ALLL the tech and want to focus on one thing get this course.

Okay, if you are teaching with Zoom, this deal is a steal! I have learned so many incredible Zoom tips from Justin.

I just bought this class tonight and decided to have a several hour marathon watching it. So worth it! I used Zoom quite a bit during the spring and summer, but I learned so much and Justin models really engaging and skillful teaching! Holy cow! What a talented tech guru and teacher. This was engaging and helpful. I watched it all in one several hour sitting and took copious notes. Feeling more confident to try virtual backgrounds now instead of just screensharing my Google Slideshow. Wish me luck as I try out these skills tomorrow as I prepare to begin teaching virtually this year on Tuesday lol. And man that price was such a bargain for the content. Thank you so much, Justin Slocum Bailey!

JSB is my new hero. I mean, I really enjoyed watching him work and hearing him speak. He's authentic, intelligent, sincere. The real deal.

Teaching on zoom, teaching communicatively, teaching full stop are all demanding. Do yourself a favour and get some help from an incredible person.

Justin should be the keynote speaker at every conference!

Teachers who need some help figuring this online teaching out...Justin Slocum Bailey is an amazing teacher, trainer and person. I have trained with him f2f and online many times and I am never disappointed. This focuses on zoom but much can be applied to different online meeting sites and teaching.

I truly didn’t want today to end! This is the type of professional development that teachers crave.

I've taught on Zoom 3 yrs, have done a lot w/ virtual backgrounds for 1 yr, & still have learned a lot from Justin.

One of the best speakers I have seen in my entire career!!

I tend to get distracted and overwhelmed at PDs, but what you were presenting and the way you presented it, was not overwhelming and was engaging for me 100%.

My new mantra is "Teach like JSB is watching!"

The best thing about this workshop was the safe environment. I didn’t feel intimidated or pressured to convert my entire classroom. We learned very reasonable strategies and activities to use immediately.

Awesome energy!

Justin's ease with students is pure magic.

Whenever I face a pedagogical decision, however big or small, I ask myself, "What would Justin do?"

Holy gifted batman! Justin's command of a classroom is amazing.

I learned a mountain of wonderful strategies!

I’ve watched several hours of Justin teaching on Zoom since March. He’s one of the best and has extensive knowledge of tips and tricks.

He was so engaging and so entertaining. SUCH a great speaker and so inspirational!

Justin was great. I like that he is animated, yet low-key. He inspired me to recommit to a focus on communication as the essential task in my classes.

Quería darte las gracias por la clase de hoy, en verdad fue muy divertido e inspirador. Estaré al pendiente de tu vuelta a México para volver a tomar otro taller. ¡Gracias!

Ausgezeichnet! Your energy and true caring shone through so beautifully.

The movement! The hacks for staying in flow... So needed!

It was one of the best PDs because it not only gave me ideas for things to do w students but also just general ways to improve ourselves as teachers. It was engaging, interesting, fun, practical, and energetic (not like aerobics energy, but more positive healing uplifting energetic).

Justin is an amazing presenter. His demos were so much fun and very compelling!

One of the greatest teachers I have ever encountered.

His enthusiasm and engagement model so well.

You treated everyone in the class like they mattered PERSONALLY to you. You looked them in the eyes, you remembered their names, you TOLD them they were interesting. You were laughing, they were laughing, and you let the mistakes be part of the fun. Their successes were yours - you were EXCITED by their success.

Great explanations on strategies and management!

What I appreciated most was the specific activities I learned, combined with Justin’s willingness to engage with our questions and ideas.

An amazing experience.

Wow! Really enjoyed your presentation and energy. Thanks for all the ideas. Namaste.

Justin's presentation freed me up to do what I have long felt was best.

Your (Justin's) exemplary skills + empathy + humor. An inspiring model.

A totally accomplished and expert presenter! I will be studying this presentation in depth.

The kind of teacher/presenter I'd like to have a beer with.

I learned by experience that I really can do this!