JSB is my new hero. I mean, I really enjoyed watching him work and hearing him speak. He’s authentic, intelligent, sincere. The real deal.

Justin has astonishing vision for big-picture language-learning goals and how to achieve them through day-to-day, small-picture processes.

Justin Slocum Bailey makes me feel calm and capable.

Direct Feedback & Support

Sometimes things in class don't work out the way we hoped they would, or they way we've seen them work for someone else. It can be hard to know why. Even if we do know, it can be hard to know what to do differently. The Latin Teacher Lab Coaching Series gives you the chance to troubleshoot your classes and grow as a teacher in conversation with Justin and other skilled Latin teachers.

Receive Live Coaching, Just Observe, or Consult the Coaching Library

You can submit your questions in advance, receive direct coaching during Coaching Sessions, or consult recordings of sessions labeled with topics of interest to you.

Schedule of Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions are live meetings that are also recorded. Each month's coaching schedule (as well as the demo schedule) will be determined with the schedules of Latin Teacher Lab Members in mind. There are also freestanding training videos on specific topics and strategies that you can access in the Demo Series Library and watch anytime.

Teach Latin with Joy & Success

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Meet Your Guide

About Justin Slocum Bailey

I'm Justin. I created this site and this series to make your teacher-life better.

I've been a teacher (of Latin, language arts, guitar, test prep, and martial arts) for sixteen years and a teacher-trainer for ten. In the process, I've been invited to share ideas with teachers in 11 countries and 31 U.S. states, and I've gotten to learn new things myself at every stop.

I am head over heels about helping teachers and learners succeed with less stress and more joy, and Latin teachers and learners have a special place in this endeavor. As a founding host of the Quomodo Dicitur? podcast, a long-time board member and instructor for the North American Institute for Living Latin Studies (SALVI), and a frequent presenter at international conferences, I bring joyful Latin teaching methods wherever I can. I also helped design, over the course of several years, the International Baccaulaureate's (IB) upcoming revised Diploma Programme for Classical Languages, an experience that widened my understanding of the issues Latin teachers face in various teaching contexts.

I'm thrilled to be able to distill what I've learned into the Latin Teacher Lab so that you can confidently help all kinds of learners acquire and enjoy Latin!

When I'm not teaching or helping other teachers, I'm writing and making music, playing board games, podcasting, or chatting on a porch. I hope we get to chat sometime, whether online or in person! If you have any questions about this or any other program, please feel free to get in touch.

Justin Slocum Bailey is the ultimate educator. He brings to every one of his pursuits extensive knowledge, curiosity about both language and people, a sense of humor, and an extraordinary ability to connect. As I strive to improve my own teaching, I try to channel what I have seen in him. He is thorough, clear, exciting, talented, interesting, and fun.

~ Jacqui Bloomberg, MA, Latin Teacher and World Language Department Head, Dana Hall School (MA)

Justin Slocum Bailey took a language most people consider long dead and brought it to life as if it were the lyrics to my son’s favorite song. He not only taught him the joys of language—all language—but he also inspired him to approach life as a deep thinker, a global communicator, and a passionate advocate for the interconnectedness of all people. And he ignited in him a passion for learning that has extended into every part of his life. I will be forever grateful.

~ Ed Solomon, screenwriter (Men in Black, Charlie's Angels, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Now You See Me)

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Like everything else at TeachHuman, all parts of the Latin Teacher Lab are included in the Site-Wide Membership. Join now at the low Founding Member rate of $19.99/mo or $199.99/yr for unlimited access to all current and future courses and resources, as well as coaching and mentoring sessions just for members!

What People Say

Feedback on Justin's courses and training

One of the most inspiring teachers, and humans, I've had the pleasure of knowing.

Justin has astonishing vision for big-picture language-learning goals and how to achieve them through day-to-day, small-picture processes.

Justin Slocum Bailey is the ultimate educator.

JSB is my new hero. I mean, I really enjoyed watching him work and hearing him speak. He's authentic, intelligent, sincere. The real deal.

Justin’s enthusiasm and sense of humor were amazing!

I know of no one in education, over my 35 years of experience, who has done more wonderful things and has more to offer than you do.

I truly didn’t want today to end! This is the type of professional development that teachers crave.

One of the best speakers I have seen in my entire career!!

My new mantra is "Teach like JSB is watching!"

Awesome energy!

Justin's ease with students is pure magic.

Whenever I face a pedagogical decision, however big or small, I ask myself, "What would Justin do?"

Holy gifted batman! Justin's command of a classroom is amazing.

I learned a mountain of wonderful strategies!

He was so engaging and so entertaining. SUCH a great speaker and so inspirational!

I've never met a teacher more excited for or more skilled at teaching a language through whatever methods work for his students, whether they be formal and traditional or cutting-edge.

Justin was great. I like that he is animated, yet low-key. He inspired me to recommit to a focus on communication as the essential task in my classes.

Quería darte las gracias por la clase de hoy, en verdad fue muy divertido e inspirador. Estaré al pendiente de tu vuelta a México para volver a tomar otro taller. ¡Gracias!

Ausgezeichnet! Your energy and true caring shone through so beautifully.

Justin is an amazing presenter.

One of the greatest teachers I have ever encountered.

His enthusiasm and engagement model so well.

You treated everyone in the class like they mattered PERSONALLY to you. You looked them in the eyes, you remembered their names, you TOLD them they were interesting. You were laughing, they were laughing, and you let the mistakes be part of the fun. Their successes were yours - you were EXCITED by their success.

What I appreciated most was the specific activities I learned, combined with Justin’s willingness to engage with our questions and ideas.

An amazing experience.

Justin's presentation freed me up to do what I have long felt was best.

Your (Justin's) exemplary skills + empathy + humor. An inspiring model.

A totally accomplished and expert presenter! I will be studying this presentation in depth.

The kind of teacher/presenter I'd like to have a beer with.

I learned by experience that I really can do this!

Teach Latin with Joy & Success

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